From 2024, the Netherlands will ban single-use plastic cups and plastic packaging in eating establishments, festivals, and on-site meals in offices.
The ban aims to reduce the use of single-use plastics. "Every day, in the Netherlands alone, we throw away 19 million plastic cups and food boxes after single use," the letter reads.
From July 1 next year, coffee cups and meal boxes will no longer be allowed for free and must be paid separately. This amount does not include the price of drinks or meals.
The rules also apply to cups that appear to be made of paper, but actually contain a layer of plastic, often used to hold coffee.
These measures are to implement EU regulations on reducing the use of single-use plastics. Under this regulation, all member states of the European Union will take measures from 3 July 2021 to reduce the environmental impact of the ten most common single-use plastic products on beaches. For example, free plastic bags and plastic straws were banned earlier.
The new rules distinguish between cups and packaging used on-site and in food delivery. "In 2024, reusable tableware will be the starting point for on-site consumption," the letter reads, such as washable coffee cups in offices and trays in restaurants.
The exception is for medical institutions. "Companies may choose to continue to use certain single-use plastic cups and meal packaging when absolutely necessary," Heijnen wrote. At least three-quarters of it must be recycled.